Somedays I feel lost in my busy world... wife... mother of two... photographer... hr generalist... youth leader... friend... sister... daughter... house cleaner... crafter (that's a new one)... dieter...
So I'm going back to my roots (well my photography roots), I just want to enjoy some photos of everyday life, giving me my 365. While it may not be a photo every day, its just meant to catch what's going on around me. So check back from time to time to see a different side of VandenBosch Photography.
Today... hot chocolate break! I made a cup for my and my daughter, her first experience. She LOVED it!

I recently purchased a new hat for myself. So exicted! Here's Charlie modeling it.

Did I mention I'm becoming a craft-queen? Well okay, maybe princess... still in my begining stages. Here's a shirt I made for Charlotte.

This is my neice, she just has some great faces!

Can anything be better than enjoying a banana in the morning? I don't think Elijah thinks so (well at that moment)!